Sunday, July 3, 2016

Literacy project 2 for 2016


Chapter 1

Take off

Open the engines in  3...2...1...GO the rocket took off and smoke went everywhere. Here we are on our way to EXTROMAGANIS, the rocket flew gently Maximinus walked towards his bed all would go well he thought. In the crew there was Maximinous, Daniel, Spekz and Gorlan. Maximinous was born in Italy and is now 28 years old, Daniel was born in New Zealand and is 89 years old, Spekz was born in Germany and is 57 years old last of all Gorlan who is born in Sweden and was 38 years old. Chapter 2 wormhole.jpg The peace ends. The rocket goes gently when suddenly it turned 180 degrees. Maximinous, Daniel, Spekz and Glorn fell out of their beds and on to the roof. Whamb! A huge clash of metal hit the wing. Another huge piece of metal hit the ship almost destroying it. The crew went spiralling inside the spaceship. Finally the ship broke into two bits and the crew were sucked out. Luckly they had their suits on. Maximainous held on the front of the ship and Daniel held on both parts of the ship. As for Gorln he went spiralling towards the space junk.

Chapter 3

The lose of two friends and heroes in space in space.

Suddenly the ship's motor turned on and pushes Spekz into a sharp piece of metal breaking his helmet. Spekz struggles to breath as the gets sucked out, after a while his head falls back and his eyes close. That was the end of Spekz. As soon as Spekz let go of the two pieces of the ship the motor side goes flying towards the spiralling Gorlan (Who was singing Ring around the rosy.) the motor hit Gorlan not killing him though but it did push him into the the planet Extroblacken. Daniel and Maximinous were really happy they had made it!!!!
If they didn’t see Extroblacken they would have never seen Extromaganis. Yes their mission was to find Extromaganis apparently it is possible for humans to live on it if you want to know more the read chapter 4 History.

Chapter 4



One half of Extromagimous is really old so old that it has cracks that reach the core which lights up this half of the planet also this half of the planet has bone acid all across the bottom this side also has extremely dangerous animals. Also this half has huge cliffs and nature made traps this side is the place where you want to go. The place where you do not want to go to is the place where you can relax nothing bad can ever happen everything you want is there no cliffs no traps no acid no getting burnt. So because we don’t want to go there I have made it every five years stone warriors that are 500 meters tall and can’t be destroyed. Mwah Hahahahahahahahaha. (Did you really need to that??) (Nope) (So why did you do it?) (Because I had to!) (But you just said you didn’t need to!) (I did not. It’s only because you don’t have the Brains to UNDERSTAND)(AHAHAHAHAH) (Did you have to do that?)

Chapter 5

Hard landings

“Ya ya!” Says Daniel “Now we can finally use my anti jetpack flame shooter lava dropping armed weapon jetpack and the its nickname is -anti-jetpack hot element weapon jetpack.”  As they used their  anti-jetpack hot element weapon jetpack. They zoomed as fast as the Blackbird which in 1991 if the information was correct or if it was lying you never know…  Just when they were going to hit the planets orbit the fuel ran out! “You did just realise what just happened didn’t you?” “Yep I did Maximinous” “So what do we do?” “Well take of your Pack and put in front of you.” “Why would I do that?” “Look we only have 48 more minutes and then our air runs out!” “So what’s the point of putting our packs in front of us?” “Okay when I design this I put lots of magnets on it okay. And we all know that Extromagimous has two cores one of them is the  normal core and the other one is made of magnets so if we put them in front of us then it will pull us inside this big planet, okay?” “Yep” They typed in the code and put their packs in front of them. Voom their arm was sucked forward they started to hug their anti-jetpack hot element weapon jetpacks as if it was a teddy bear. Suddenly Extromagimous didn’t look so small anymore Maximinous looked to see where Daniel was he turned behind to see Daniel slowing down he turned

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