

  =Use  some complex sentences to create pace, flow and interest
  =Organise related ideas into paragraphs
  =Use capital letters, full stops and commas,

Soccer Tournament.
At Hampden street school my teacher, (Mr Marston) made a tournament for those who loved or wanted to to soccer. As soon as I heard of it I joined when I came in I found out that we were doing houses. So that means I was in for Ngatiawa we had two teams I was in Ngatiawa 1 I was also the captain For my team at the moment we are first.
Soccer Competition.
At Nelson there is going to be an huge soccer match which is in the Trafalgar park it was the Wellington phoenix reserve against the Tasman marines. But they didn't have any ball boys or ball girls so Mr Marston set up a competition with the other schools. Whoever came first or second got to be the ball boys/girls for both teams. Our school had two teams for two pools.I was in the second team we came forth because we lost on penalties. But we didn't concede one goal out of the whole match except when we had penalties. Our other team was more lucky they came secound so they will be the ball boys/girls for the Tasman marines. All in all it was a fun match. Tree planting.
Hello  Speeches
With my speech I was very surprised that I spoke not so fast and a bit clearly.
With my speech I think I should have been more still because I was shivering so that's a thing I need to work on with my presence.
I think I should re-write my speech because most of it I made up on the spot.
But l think I should 

Are you the cheat that will win at all costs to seek power or fame.
Are you the one who speaks the truth but fails to win or fails at the final hurdle.
Are you the body of the dog who saves your master but is treated like a slave and gets no honor.

Which one are you? The good or the bad.
Are you the boss or the slave.
Ask yourself
Should we or should we not have leaders that is your decision.

Why humans shouldn’t have power
When you move from home and you get power...
When people have power they want money so they cheat to get it.
But then
You get caught.

But there is another side where things aren’t that bad.
When you twist and turn you be good,
And then you’re Famous
And people love you.

Before I start the speech I would like you to put your hand up of how you would want to be higher than 6 e.g I think we should have the friends as our leaders but don’t speak just raise your hand.

A leader is one who knows the way,
Shows the way and,
Goes the way.
(Put your hand up)
B) built
O) on
S) self
S) success
(Put your hand up)

Military leader.
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep but an army of sheep lead by a lion.
-Alexander the great
(Raise your hand)
I don’t care if they respect me as long as they fear me.
(Put up your hand)

A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation or being together. As long as the friendship is still in you true friends never part.
(Put up your hand)

From there you can tell how is most likely to be leader or boss or whatever
Know let me tell you about the thing most leaders use to win power or fame what they use for that is PROPAGANDA.

If you don't know the definition of propaganda its meaning is… When someone lies about what they say e.g This banana makes you better instantly which probably, isn’t true.

When they cheat like this it can cause a humongous  problem times 2. For instance riots well maybe not riots but disagreements and disagreements can cause fights now there is why we should not have leaders or bosses or whatever you want to call them.

Now here is some reasons why we should have presidents or whatever you would want to call them anyway we should have them because they help solve problems and they might do good things. Now there is an answer of why we should have them.

Now it’s your choice Should we have leaders or not. Should we have liers at the head of the throne or true people or none that is your choice.

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