Eagles have been known as one of the best birds.Eagles are able to do lots of things that nothing else can do.Eagles can glide for an hour or two without flapping there wings.They have one mega big toe on their middle toe so when they are holding there prey the biggest toe gets a grip on it so it can't fall off its claws.There are all sorts of eagles:Monkey-Eating Eagle and a Crowned Eagle and an African Fish-Eagle.Did you know that a Monkey Eating-Eagle is one of the rarest animals on the planet?And that they hunt in a pack,one acts like decoy while the others swooped in a surprise attack!Also did you know that a Crowned Eagle is one of the largest animals on Africa,with a wingspan of 180cm long.The Crowned Eagle uses its large talons to catch animals larger from itself,like monkeys,armadillos and skunks.The African fish-Eagle use their talons to catch slippery fish straight out of the water like it was never there.
by Alexandre.
books:101 fact book
google:https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=eagles+wikipedia+free+encyclopedia&oq=eagles&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.4746j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8 and from the countdown cards
monkey eating eagle. crowned eagle.
african fish eagle.
by Alexandre
Pandas have been know'en as harmless animals also play full and kind.
there are all sorts of pandas too,like baby panda,normal panda and the giant panda.
baby panda. normal panda ------
The images I have just showed you are the three animals wrote on the first lines I did.
Pandas are very cool to because when I saw a video that showed pandas sliding down a slide.
Animal cards from countdown
just wait mores coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Alexandre
Canadian Lynx
The Canadian Lynx is another kind of cat. As we all know there are all kinds of cats and different kinds too! Just like dogs! Except the Canadian Lynx has better eyesight so it can see a mouse from 75 meters away! Cool! Especially you have to say that a mouse is a pretty small animal. Compared to a human, it's tiny! Sometimes I would not mind being one myself, but then again if I had such powerful eyesight I would maybe see every dust mouse within 75 metres of me!
Super Animals.
Sadly now days most of the cool animals are indangered or enstinked.
What fabulous research and writing! I can't wait to learn more about other animals. Keep up the wonderful work, Alexandre. :-) 8 - )