Lit prog page

World war one lit prog #1
My goal is to use paragraphs.
2nd goal

Dear mum, dad and family
I really wish to see you and wish the war was over so I could have  fun with you and not be in this war again and that’s a promise. How are you doing in Australia? Sunny or cold? I bet it’s not cold but am I correct here? In Australia on beaches and almost everywhere there are soldiers, ay? ... --- --- .-. -.-- .. …. .- …- . t ---- -.. ---- -.-. ---- -.. .. -.g ---- -. -.-- ---- ..- ..t … .--- …. .-t w. .--- ..- ...t -.. ..- -. .- - .. -. e .- .. t …. -... ---- - -... … .. -. .. t. ok .- e -.. - e -. t---- .-tt .- -.-. -.- t….e -
meet ya soon.

It took 8 days for the message to pass the general to let it go because he did not want the Turks to get the message, after all they could have cracked the code by now so in the end the general turned it into a trick! [the trick letter is the letter below]

Dear mom, dad and family
I really wish I could see you and wish the war was over so I can have fun with you and when I come back I will never go back to war and that is a  promise. How are you doing in Australia? Sunny or cold? I bet it is not cold! But am I correct here? On beaches and almost everywhere there are soldiers, ay I am not allowed to tell you the information here but I will, so be happy, we made two bases on the rear so when we attack from the front we will also attack from the rear giving them a surprise attack.  Don’t tell the Turks.

In the turkish base.
“Sir, we have got the letters from the Australian base all passed except one. It had little writing we could not see but we brought it to you to see if the little writing is information.”

“Good sergeant, please hand the note to me and be dismissed. Thank you.”
“Here you are, sir. Goodbye”
“Oh please pass the magnifying glass before you leave please.”

“Thank you, dismissed.”

As the general studied the note he realized what it said.
This is what it said: I am not allowed to tell you the information here but I will, so be happy. We made two bases on the rear so when we attack we will also attack them from the rear giving them a surprise attack.

Then the general said to himself a little song. “Ohh they think they are so clever and strong but they can not beat me. I am too clever and strong, I will crush them like a small little ant they will never wwwwwiiiinnnn… ”
Just when the sergeant ran in and shouted, “They are attacking!” “Don’t worry,” said the general drunkenly. “I have read the little words, we will get destroyed I mean WE WILL WIN DON’T WORRY I AM HERE TO THE RESCUE.” He shouted drunkenly again. Then the general brought himself together and shouted out orders to everyone, “Take everyone with rifles at the front and everyone with machine guns in the back of the trench!” The soldiers listened and did it in no time.

Back in the Australian trench.
In the trench a soldier sadly wrote a letter to his family just in case he dies. This is what he wrote:
Dear family and friends
I am writing to you because I am going to fight the Turkish. I do not hope I will die. But I am not joking, I am really going to fight the Turkish
I hope this is our last battle because I am really forgetting everything. Sorry have to go!

“Stand attention, forward march, to ya ladders, wait for the whistle when ya hear it ya run to the turkish trench and destroy them. Oh and don’t worry, we have a base on both sides of them, not the rear.Thanks to John latroy he made the general into a the general changed his note into a trick. Just as a messenger came and said, “The war is over. All the countries fought except you so all the letters you wrote are pointless now”

“What!!!” cried a soldier, “you kept us in here for nothing!” Shouted another, “kill everyone and let be king!” screamed a soldier. Everyone agreed and from then on he was liked all around the world
“Oh I almost forgot, long live John latroy
By Alexandre

(sorry I can not tell you the morse code you have to find out yourself)

Romans lit prog #2
Goals:Proofread to check for spelling, punctuation.
The Roman’s Defeat
As Hannibal moved his slingers and his spearmen towards the Roman armies… And then a Roman soldier shouted, “Ya come and throw your little pebbles on me,I even doubt you can kill me he he ha ha.” Just when the soldier fell to the ground dead, and the soldier next to him said, “That day Daniel died from what he called a little pebble.” Then Hannibal took his heavy Spanish cavalry on the left of the Roman armies and his Numidian cavalry on the right of the Roman armies. And then he took his spearmen and slingers away. Then a soldier shouted, “Hey, get back here you cheaters if you want to cheat come and play poker nah maybe cards or maybe blah blah blah and maybe blah and blah also maybe blah and…” “Can you shut up please I’ll die of you.” “Really that means I have super powers die everyone.” “No it was just a matter of speech.” “Charge!” shouted the leader. “But whats the point?” “Um why you ask?” “Because if you look around us we are being surrounded.” “Well then form a testudo “Ya good Idea” “Sir sir its too late we are all surrendering to them.” “Quick Maxi since you have been with me let's escape here!”

The Run
As they ran for their lives they met a farm and anda took to racing mountain horses.80 days later they reached Rome the capital of this great city beautiful,great,strong city and and sir can’t you see I am telling story  and thank you of those words of wisdom. So in Rome they went to the palace and went to Julius Caesar, in front of his senate and they both said,”Caesar we have just been attacked by Hannibal and lost the battle, he has captured 10,000 of our soldiers.” (2 hours later.) “I do not want to be humiliated in front of my senate again!Caesar shouted. “We must destroy them that is an order!” “Maxi I promote you centurion! Demeus Maximus I promote you to officer Now take an army and of you go shoo shoo.”

The Roman’s Revenge
Demeus Maximus and Maxi took a great army and it took them 80 days to get to them. Demeus Maximus and Maxi took a plan and would strike at midnight. “So first we free the prisoners and give them weapons and then we will have 100,000 soldiers instead of 90,000 and shot them down with our catapults and spears and stones and I shall kill Hannibal and Caesar shalt give me the empire.” says Maxi I have a better idea I kill Hannibal. No no no I kill Hannibal let's say we both kill Hannibal! Ya lets do this.
as they tip toed a Carthage put a fill wine bottle out. And a Roman soldier looked at it and then took it! “Sir whats the point of
10,000 and then walking back a mile why not just attack them know?” “Good idea! Lets do this, Charge!! And then they won!

The End

Shut up, we are still telling the story! Look at the title,don’t you know how the read the title we still have one more chapter!!


As they pitched camp Julius caesar came and asked Maxi and Demeus Maximus “Who killed Hannibal?” “I did they both shouted and then they started fighting and as soon as they were about to kill each other they said, “Hey we both killed him!” I chopped every bit of him in half and then Maxi chopped him in half again and then we started to kick them around and invented a game called Football!!

Sorry to tell you this but it was meant to be in latin not english!!

Wild wild west lit prog #3
Goals:Make sure our writing meets its purpose and engages the audience and use a variety of sentence starters,beginnings and lengths to give effect.

Purpose: A cool great bloody story with a lot of ACTION.


Bandit name:Joey
Wanted for 100,000,000 pounds
The Attack

I walk across the crusty western floor.There's a town I’m looking for, a town called Tistiville. There’s a train station so I hide behind a cactus.The train conductor walks in front,then all there is is loads of  blood.I kill all of the passengers and if there are any survivors they get tied up in front of the train and I run them over. The screams of people, no one hears them.When they're all dead I ride to the town and jump off before I reach the town so I don´t get found. It explodes off the track into a hotel. Fire is everywhere, screams too, people forming a line bridge and chucking water from buckets onto the raging fire. After hours the fire is finally out. Bodies lie everywhere and the hotel owner is in tears.The bandit Joey(Me) put him out of his misery by shooting him in the head. Bloody ay. hen there was a bang the ground in front of me. An ambush! The sheriff jumps out and more cowboys attack.They all want the $1,000,000 prize! The fight is over me giving me time to run away.The sheriff knows better than to get in a fight with his town cowboys. He follows and the deputy jumps out in front of me. “Darn,” I thought, “Captured”. I get led to the prison. Behind bars again… But the bars are bent, the sheriff doesn't notice that I  always keep a bottle of  oil in my coat... But it flew away with the wind current when I jumped out of  the train when it blew up and it flew out into the hotel that is why it made a bigger explosion. No it was the train fuel. I sit down. “Ow,” I say. The oil can is in my trouser pocket and it's small enough to fit. Some has been poured out in my pocket for it is stained already.There is a lamp nearby so I pour some into the flames and when the prison is in flames the bars fall and I escape...
To be continued in Alexandres story...

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Sheriffs name:Alexandremens-sheriff-shirt.jpg
personality: weird and dangerous and as awesome as Sam.P.S actually awesomer

As I was at the mayor's place getting 100,000,000 dollars I was thinking of what I will do with upgrad my house when the mayor saw Joey ecsape so he snacthed the money away. I was mad as heck so even if I am a sheriff I shot him and went of with the money. Well now I am a bandit I guess I will  join Joey.

and how to work western shoot outs.After every training we went to the Saloon and had some beer 3 cups or maybe 10 if he trains well.We got drunk a few times.Then one day...
I bring the sheriff,Alexandre home and train him to be an evil bandit like me.Ruthless and gruesome and more importantly BLOODY.  We train with pistol shooting,Lasso throwing

Bang Bang as I fell down I looked up to Alexandre and said “Why why.”  I answered saying “I’m the sheriff  around here.”

The end.

He is now an outcast.


Chapter 1

Take off

Open the engines in  3...2...1...GO the rocket took off and smoke went everywhere. Here we are on our way to EXTROMAGANIS, the rocket flew gently Maximinus walked towards his bed all would go well he thought. In the crew there was Maximinous, Daniel, Spekz and Gorlan. Maximinous was born in Italy and is now 28 years old, Daniel was born in New Zealand and is 89 years old, Spekz was born in Germany and is 57 years old last of all Gorlan who is born in Sweden and was 38 years old. Chapter 2 wormhole.jpg The peace ends. The rocket goes gently when suddenly it turned 180 degrees. Maximinous, Daniel, Spekz and Glorn fell out of their beds and on to the roof. Whamb! A huge clash of metal hit the wing. Another huge piece of metal hit the ship almost destroying it. The crew went spiralling inside the spaceship. Finally the ship broke into two bits and the crew were sucked out. Luckly they had their suits on. Maximainous held on the front of the ship and Daniel held on both parts of the ship. As for Gorln he went spiralling towards the space junk.

Chapter 3

The lose of two friends and heroes in space in space.

Suddenly the ship's motor turned on and pushes Spekz into a sharp piece of metal breaking his helmet. Spekz struggles to breath as the gets sucked out, after a while his head falls back and his eyes close. That was the end of Spekz. As soon as Spekz let go of the two pieces of the ship the motor side goes flying towards the spiralling Gorlan (Who was singing Ring around the rosy.) the motor hit Gorlan not killing him though but it did push him into the the planet Extroblacken. Daniel and Maximinous were really happy they had made it!!!!
If they didn’t see Extroblacken they would have never seen Extromaganis. Yes their mission was to find Extromaganis apparently it is possible for humans to live on it if you want to know more the read chapter 4 History.

Chapter 4



One half of Extromagimous is really old so old that it has cracks that reach the core which lights up this half of the planet also this half of the planet has bone acid all across the bottom this side also has extremely dangerous animals. Also this half has huge cliffs and nature made traps this side is the place where you want to go. The place where you do not want to go to is the place where you can relax nothing bad can ever happen everything you want is there no cliffs no traps no acid no getting burnt. So because we don’t want to go there I have made it every five years stone warriors that are 500 meters tall and can’t be destroyed. Mwah Hahahahahahahahaha. (Did you really need to that??) (Nope) (So why did you do it?) (Because I had to!) (But you just said you didn’t need to!) (I did not. It’s only because you don’t have the Brains to UNDERSTAND)(AHAHAHAHAH) (Did you have to do that?)

Chapter 5

Hard landings

“Ya ya!” Says Daniel “Now we can finally use my anti jetpack flame shooter lava dropping armed weapon jetpack and the its nickname is -anti-jetpack hot element weapon jetpack.”  As they used their  anti-jetpack hot element weapon jetpack. They zoomed as fast as the Blackbird which in 1991 if the information was correct or if it was lying you never know…  Just when they were going to hit the planets orbit the fuel ran out! “You did just realise what just happened didn’t you?” “Yep I did Maximinous” “So what do we do?” “Well take of your Pack and put in front of you.” “Why would I do that?” “Look we only have 48 more minutes and then our air runs out!” “So what’s the point of putting our packs in front of us?” “Okay when I design this I put lots of magnets on it okay. And we all know that Extromagimous has two cores one of them is the  normal core and the other one is made of magnets so if we put them in front of us then it will pull us inside this big planet, okay?” “Yep” They typed in the code and put their packs in front of them. Voom their arm was sucked forward they started to hug their anti-jetpack hot element weapon jetpacks as if it was a teddy bear. Suddenly Extromagimous didn’t look so small anymore Maximinous looked to see where Daniel was he turned behind to see Daniel slowing down he turned

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